asked the Minister for Agriculture if he will indicate the townlands if any, in the Mulcair catchment area which have been designated as mildly disadvantaged; if any such areas have been designated as severely disadvantaged areas; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Written Answers. - Designated Disadvantaged Areas.
That part of the Mulcair catchment area which is also within the Slieve Felim area has been designated under the disadvantaged areas scheme, some in the less severely and some in the more severely handicapped categories. As was announced on 28 August last the Government has decided to initiate a further review of the boundaries of the disadvantaged areas for the purpose of extending the boundaries and reclassifying existing areas. The position in the different areas throughout the country will be most carefully considered in this review. It is the aim to reclassify as more severely handicapped all existing less severely handicapped areas as well as areas where mountain sheep headage grants are paid.