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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 5 Nov 1986

Vol. 369 No. 6

Written Answers. - Worker Participation Legislation Extension.


asked the Minister for Labour the reason for the delay in implementing the Government's commitment to extend the Worker Participation (State Enterprises) Act, 1977; if he is aware of the extreme disappointment in the trade union movement at this delay; if he will indicate when this legislation will be finalised as promised; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The timing of the introduction of this legislation has been influenced by a range of issues, primarily of a technical and definitional nature which have had to be addressed in drafting the Bill.

The State sector has, as a result of the implementation of the 1977 Act, remained in the forefront of developments with regard to structural forms of participation. I look forward to support from both unions and management in State enterprises for the establishment of the sub-board structures which will be facilitated under the new legislation.

I hope to be in a position to introduce the Bill in Seanad Éireann in the current session.
