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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 10 Dec 1986

Vol. 370 No. 10

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Aer Lingus European Fleet.


asked the Minister for Communications if he will outline the terms of reference of the interdepartmental committee which is considering the question of the replacement of the Aer Lingus fleet; when it is expected that the committee will make their report, if the report will be published; and when the Government expect to be able to make a final decision on the matter.

I refer the Deputy to my reply to previous questions on the subject of the Aer Lingus fleet replacement programme on 17 June 1986 and 6 November 1986 (Official Report columns 41-44 and 1681-1682, respectively.

I have established an inter-departmental review group to examine the Aer Lingus group's overall fleet replacement strategy and the associated funding proposals with a view to enabling me to make a submission to Government in the matter. It is not the practice to make public the terms of reference of such review groups.

As I have already indicated to the House, all options in relation to fleet replacement are being examined by the review group who are expected to submit their report early in the new year. A submission to Government on the matter will be made shortly thereafter. In accordance with normal practice it is not intended to publish the group's report.

Did the Minister say it is not proposed to publish the report?

That is right.

In view of the fact that it will be a Government decision, does he not feel it would be important for this House to be aware of the terms under which the advice this group will give to the Minister will be arrived at? Will the Minister indicate whether he will announce to the House the reasons underlying any decision made by the Government?

The review group are considering proposals that have been received from Aer Lingus. They will be giving advice, comments and analysis on those proposals to the Government for their decision on it. It is not normal practice to publish the report of a group operating in that area. They will give advice to the Government prior to their making a decision on the matter.

When the Government make a decision will the Minister tell the House the basis on which they have made that decision and the underlying reasoning behind the decision? It would be normal practice for the Government to explain their thinking on a major issue of this nature. I am sure if they do not volunteer it, it will be asked by way of questions in the House. I see no difficulty in that. This type of review group are not initiating policy but are doing an evaluation as a result of recommendations in an Aer Lingus submission. It is not normal practice to publish the findings of that type of report.

Are the terms of reference such as to consider the 300s as being the suitable aircraft for the European route? Two of them have been sanctioned for the Dublin-London route in 1987.

I do not have information on the types of planes. I will endeavour to find out for the Deputy if that aspect is covered in the terms of reference.

I would like the Minister to let me know when he receives that information.

Can I ask the Minister if the terms of reference of the interdepartmental group require them to consider the option of the sale of shares in Aer Lingus as a means of financing the company? If he expects the reports in 1987, when does he expect a Government decision on it?

I do not have any detail on the sale of shares. The report is expected early in the new year and, as it is a matter of urgency for Aer Lingus, I cannot imagine the decision of the Government being delayed for very long.
