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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 1 Apr 1987

Vol. 371 No. 6

Written Answers. - US Hygiene Standards.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food if it is the case that some Irish meat products cannot be sold in the United States because the hygiene conditions operating in some Irish meat factories do not meet the standards of American health authorities; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

It is a matter of regret that there are no pigmeat plants here at present which meets the licensing standards of the United States Department of Agriculture. However, on the basis of several investment proposals now in the course of implementation, I am confident that a number of plants will reach the required standard during 1987.

Generous investment grants and other incentives are available to pigmeat plants to enable them to achieve the highest hygiene standards. Deputies will be aware that FEOGA grants of up to 50 per cent are now available for approved pigmeat projects on top of IDA grants of up to 25 per cent of approved cost. I was pleased to be able to announce recently that an extra £15 million in grants will be available from FEOGA for pigmeat projects over the next three years.

There is clear evidence at present that the industry is getting on with the urgent task of rationalisation which, once under way, will enable it to avail of trading opportunities now being missed.
