asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce the specific proposals he has for job creating enterprises in the Mayfield area of County Cork; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - County Cork Job Creation.
I am informed by the Industrial Development Authority that the Mayfield area of Cork city is serviced by the Kilbarry industrial estate which opened in July and where over 700 people are now employed in seven manufacturing firms.
The IDA are promoting, both at home and overseas, the remaining 127 acres which are available at Kilbarry for suitable industrial projects. Three of the major companies on the site manufacture electronic components and particular emphasis is being placed on the electronics industry in the marketing of the site.
In its promotion of small industry a comprehensive advice service is available to the first time entrepreneur from the IDA's regional office situated at South Mall. In addition, the IDA are promoting a range of factory units in seven different locations in Cork city, including three units at Kilbarry of approximately 3,200 sq. ft. each.
Is the Minister aware that unemployment in this area is as high as 85 per cent? In the light of this information, is he prepared to take any steps to speak to the IDA or the YEA about this area where urgent action must be taken to help create employment?
I want to assure the Deputy that I was aware of the very serious unemployment crisis in Cork city but I was not aware that it was as high as 85 per cent in a specific area. The information available to me covers a wider area. However, I will convey to the IDA, the YEA and any other agency which can be helpful, that priority should be given to this area. I cannot produce jobs or projects out of the sky for an area but anything I can do to redress this serious unemployment crisis, I will be only too pleased to do.