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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 3 Jun 1987

Vol. 373 No. 2

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Number of Civil Servants.


asked the Minister for the Environment if the number of civil servants in his Department has been reduced or if it is envisaged the number will be reduced in this financial year; and if so the plans he has to redeploy them.

By way of background I should say that there has been a significant reduction — over 20 per cent — in the number of civil servants in my Department since mid-1981. During this time there was a substantial increase in the workload. It has been necessary to constantly redeploy staff and to make other temporary arrangements to deal with priorities. For example, the services of over 60 inspectors who were engaged on a temporary basis on housing grants work have been dispensed with recently, other staff have been redeployed and overtime working is being curtailed.

Taking account of all staff movements, there has been a reduction of over 70 on my Department's payroll in the last three months. There are likely to be further reductions in the current year arising from Government policy in relation to the control of numbers. The need for further redeployment of staff is also likely to arise, for example, when the backlog of work in relation to discontinued housing grant schemes has been dealt with.

How many temporary staff are employed in the Minister's Department? Does he envisage that they will be let go?

The likelihood is that other staff will have to be released as the year goes on, particularly when the backlog of inquiries and dealings with the improvement grants begins to subside. We would all like to see that happen in the near future as it would enable staff to be redeployed in other areas where they are needed and make savings so far as existing staff are concerned. I do not know the exact numbers of temporary staff employed in the Department, but I will let the Deputy have the figure later on.
