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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 20 Apr 1988

Vol. 379 No. 7

Written Answers. - Primary Schools Funding.


asked the Minister for Education the number of applicants for new primary schools which have been offered modified plans and a reduced grant; the names of the applicants; the applications which have been accepted; and the percentage which have accepted the modified terms.

The Deputy is understood to be referring to the passage in my budget address of 4 February 1988 wherein I stated that the additional capital allocated in 1988 to my Department for the national schools building programme would enable me to make allocations to individual schools in such fashion as to achieve the maximum impact over the widest possible number of schools. The schemes in question, I indicated, would be confined to the provision of classrooms with normal basic facilities. As consultations with all of the schools which are interested in proceeding on the basis outlined have not yet been concluded, I am not in a position to provide the Deputy with the information which she has sought.

The level of grant which may be offered to individual applicants remains as heretofore a matter for negotiation between the school authorities and my Department in the light of the circumstances of the case. Outside of that context, there is no question of reduced grants.
