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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 30 Jun 1988

Vol. 382 No. 11

Written Answers. - Maynooth, Kildare Road.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he has received a submission from Kildare County Council regarding road realignment and bridge replacement at Bond Bridge, Maynooth, County Kildare; if he will give the matter favourable consideration; and if he will sanction the project as soon as possible in order to allow for the free movement of pedestrian and vehicular traffic in the area.

Bond Bridge is located on a regional road. Primary responsibility for improvement works on such roads rests with the local authority, with the funding normally being met from local resources supplemented by the block grant for roads.

In 1988, a special road grant of £40,000 has been allocated to Kildare County Council as a contribution towards the costs of site investigations and the preparation of preliminary reports for schemes to improve Bond Bridge and Shaw Bridge which is also on a regional road.

On the 21 April 1988 my Department issued approval to the local authority's proposals for the appointment of a consulting engineer to prepare a preliminary report for the Bond Bridge scheme. Following completion of the preliminary report and cost estimates, the local authority may submit detailed proposals for the scheme to the Department for consideration.
