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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 2 Nov 1988

Vol. 383 No. 6

Ceisteanna—Questions. Oral Answers. - Dental Services.


asked the Minister for Health if he has satisfied himself with the present level of dental care facilities provided by the health boards; and if he has any proposals to improve the situation for medical card holders.


asked the Minister for Health when the report of the working party on the dental services will be published.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 73 and 186 together.

For some years past I have been concerned about the level of the dental services being provided by the health boards for eligible persons. It was for this reason that some months ago I set up a working group under the chairmanship of the Minister of State at my Department to review health board dental services and, where appropriate, to make recommendations for their improvement. I am at present examining the working group's findings and recommendations.

Would the Minister acknowledge that the dental service is in a shambles, that the 1979ad hoc scheme — whereby medical card holders were referred to general dentists has been abolished by most health boards so that in effect there is no dental service? Is the Minister aware that medical card holders cannot even obtain a set of dentures by way of the provisions of the health service but are told to pay £200 or £300 for them?

I have expressed my concern about the inadequacy of dental service over, probably, the past ten or 12 years.

What is the Minister doing about it?

As a result of that concern I requested my colleague, the Minister of State, to examine the dental services provided in the various health board areas to ascertain how they might be improved. I am glad to note that he has made practical, sensible recommendations. We shall be ascertaining how we might implement some of these recommendations.

Will the Minister act on them?
