asked the Minister for Foreign Affairs the number of submarines which have been operating in Irish territorial waters for the last five years; whether permission has been (a) sought or (b) granted for such operations; the number of incidents which have occurred involving fishing and other boats; whether any compensation has been sought by the owners; whether any compensation has been paid; and the action he intends to take in this matter.
Written Answers. - Submarine Operations.
Under international law foreign naval vessels are entitled to transit the territorial waters of another State without permission in exercise of the right of innocent passage. Submarines must travel on the surface in such cases and must fly their flags. My Department has no record of such transits having taken place in the last five years.
The safety of Irish vessels at sea has been a matter of particular concern to the Government. The Government have brought the issue to the attention of all parties concerned through the channels of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and has raised at the IMO four incidents involving boats damaged or lost since 1982 outside Irish territorial waters. The list includes well publicised casualties to fishing vessels which were caused or were likely to have been caused by submerged submarines.
We understand that in at least one of the cases the owners of a damaged fishing vessel have sought compensation and that compensation has been paid. Claims for compensation in such cases are essentially a civil matter. A particular problem clearly arises in incidents involving unidentified vessels. The Government will take whatever action is open to them to assist in the identification of such vessels thus facilitating any action for damages that might be taken.
The Government has already taken steps to highlight the dangers posed to fishing vessels at sea by submerged submarines. Ireland sponsored a resolution at the IMO aimed at focusing attention on the problems posed to fishermen by submarine traffic. The initiative resulted in the unanimous adoption on 17 November 1987 by the General Assembly of the IMO of a resolution entitled "Avoidance by submerged submarines of fishing vessels and their fishing gear". It is our hope that this resolution will make a significant contribution to the avoidance of incidents involving surface vessels and submerged submarines at sea.