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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 6 Dec 1988

Vol. 385 No. 2

Written Answers. - Revised General Medical Service Contract.


asked the Minister for Health further to the recent ballot of the Irish Medical Organisation in relation to the review of the General Medical Service contract, when the revised contract will be offered to general practioners; and if acceptance of same will be compulsory.

Following a lengthy series of meetings between my Department, the health boards and the Irish Medical Organisation, under the Chairmanship of Mr. John Horgan, and the subsequent acceptance by the parties of Mr. Horgan's proposals for changes in the arrangements with general practitioners for the provisions of services to eligible persons under section 58 of section 59 of the Health Act, 1970, it is my intention to specify amended terms and conditions governing such arrangements entered into by health boards with general practitioners under section 26 of the Health Act, 1970.

The terms of the changed conditions will be formally notified in due course when discussions with the Irish Medical Organisation on the precise wording have been concluded. I intend that these new terms will come into effect from 1 January 1989.

Such new arrangements will apply to all general practitioners participating in the GMS Scheme and I have already advised the health boards to notify all participating doctors of my intentions.
