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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Feb 1989

Vol. 386 No. 7

Written Answers. - Legionnaires Disease.


asked the Minister for Health the number of cases of legionnaires disease which were reported in (a) 1987 and (b) 1988; and the sources of infection in each case.

Suspected cases of legionnaires disease are immediately notified to my Department and an investigation of each case is then carried out by the Local Director of Community Care. No cases were reported to my Department in 1987. In 1988 four cases were reported two of which were confirmed on investigation. In one case the individual travelled a lot in his work and the source of infection is still being investigated. In the second case no source of infection could be indentified despite exhaustive investigation. This case was reported in Donegal in May of last year and no further cases have been reported from that area since.
