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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 13 Apr 1989

Vol. 388 No. 6

Written Answers. - Remedial Teachers.


asked the Minister for Education the number of remedial teachers employed in (i) primary (ii) secondary (iii) vocational and (iv) comprehensive schools respectively for the years 1984 to 1988 inclusive.

The numbers of remedial posts approved in primary schools for each of the five years in question are as follows: 1984, 767; 1985, 790; 1986, 827; 1987, 827; 1988, 857. A small number of vacancies arise from time to time and these are normally filled without too much delay.

A special ex-quota of remedial teachers for post-primary schools was made in the 1979-80 school year. This was repeated in the 1980-81 and the 1985-86 school years. As a result of these special provisions a total of 237 ex-quota remedial teachers are employed in the post-primary sector as follows: secondary schools, 86; community and comprehensive, 36; vocational schools, 115. A further 55 ex-quota posts were allocated under the terms of my Department's Circular Letter No. 23/86 and designated as remedial/guidance.

The posts were allocated as follows: secondary schools, 21; community and comprehensive, 9; vocational schools, 25. The utilisation of the 55 posts within the areas of remedial education or guidance counselling was left to the discretion of the school authorities.

Many post-primary schools employ remedial teachers within their approved quota of posts. My Department's records do not readily show the number of remedial teachers thus employed.
