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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 19 Apr 1989

Vol. 388 No. 9

Request to Move Adjournment of Dáil Under Standing Order 30.

A Cheann Comhairle, I have given you notice of my intention to ask you for leave to move the Adjournment of the Dáil on a specific and important matter of public interest requiring urgent consideration. This request is made under Standing Order 30. The matter in question relates to the current situation in the Permanent Defence Force and notably the poor state of morale and problems in relation to pay.

Having considered the matter fully I do not consider that it is one contemplated by Standing Order 30 and I cannot, therefore, grant leave to move the motion.

I informed you that there are at least 12,000 people who regard this as an important matter of public concern requiring urgent consideration — they are the members of the Permanent Defence Force. Without being disorderly a Cheann Comhairle, I must say I am extremely disappointed at your decision because I believe it has deprived this House, unless the Government change their minds, of an opportunity of discussing this most important issue.

The Deputy is disappointed but, apart altogether from the Standing Order which I have quoted, the Chair is sustained and follows carefully, as did his predecessors, the rules in paragraph 22 of the Report of the Informal Committee on Reform of Dáil procedure, 1972 — the precedence are at column 563 of the Official Report for 23 February 1984, and at column 1683 of the Official Report for 13 May 1987 — the main criteria being that the matter raised has arisen suddenly. The matter to which Deputy Dukes referred has been ongoing for some considerable time.

It may be ongoing for some considerable time yet if the Government do not change their minds.
