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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 2 May 1989

Vol. 389 No. 4

Written Answers. - Otter Hunting.


asked the Minister for Finance the number of otter hunts carried out under licence in 1988; the number of hunts that were supervised by wildlife officers; the number of otters killed; if he intends to issue otter hunting licences in 1989; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


asked the Minister for Finance the number of applications he has received for otter hunting licences; the number he has granted or proposes to grant; if he has taken into consideration that the otter is a protected species under the Wildlife Act, 1976; if he can justify granting licences to allow the killing of an animal that is a protected species; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 51 and 130 together.

A total of 115 otter hunts were carried out under licence in 1988. Wildlife Officers of my Department were present as observers at 39 of these hunts during the year. The number of otters reported killed was 7.

For 1989, four applications for licences to hunt otters were submitted by the Irish Masters of Otterhounds Association and I have authorised the issue of licences for the four hunts involved.

While the otter is a protected species under the Wildlife Act, 1976, the Act also provides that licences to hunt this species may be issued in accordance with its provisions having regard to the conservation of the species.

I am satisfied that the level of otter hunting in this country is not detrimental to the conservation of the species.
