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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Nov 1989

Vol. 393 No. 1

Written Answers. - Tuam (County Galway) Factory.


asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if his attention has been drawn to the imminent closure of a factory (details supplied) at Tuam, County Galway, with a loss of 110 jobs; that the company has secured orders for a three month period; that the company has sought unsuccessfully to obtain £300,000 either by way of a grant or loan from the IDA to restart the factory; and if his attention has further been drawn to the acute unemployment problem in Tuam at present.

While the information sought by the Deputy relates to the day to day responsibility of the Industrial Development Authority and is not a matter in which I have a direct function, nevertheless I can inform him that the company concerned, which ceased production on 6 May 1989 with a loss of 74 jobs, has been in active negotiations with the IDA since its recent change of ownership. I am assured by the IDA that they are making every possible effort to resolve the company's problems.
