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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Nov 1989

Vol. 393 No. 1

Written Answers. - Environmental Protection Services.


asked the Minister for the Environment if he plans to make more resources available to local authorities to increase and improve their environmental protection services.

Additional funds were made available in the 1989 budget as follows: (a) An extra £10 million for public water supply and sewerage facilities over and above the figure in the Estimates published in October 1988; (b) A £2 million provision for a special scheme of grants for environmental works in urban designated areas; (c) £500,000 to provide special grants for amenity and environmental improvement works at selected beaches; and (d) £250,000 for measures to promote re-cycling of glass, cans, paper and plastics.

The rates support grant allocations for 1990 show an increase of 3.5 per cent overall which will assist local authorities in meeting the costs of administration and overheads generally including environmental protection. In addition, the capital allocation for public water supply and sewerage services has been increased to £67.5 million, £5 million more than the 1989 provision. The question of further resources is a matter for consideration in the context of the 1990 budget.

Under the Programme for Government, provision is made for the establishment of an independent environmental monitoring agency. It is envisaged that the agency will be in a position to provide support, back-up and advisory services for local authorities, including monitoring and laboratory facilities and other specialised services. The agency, which will become operational in 1990, will therefore represent a major boost to the resources of local authorities for environmental protection purposes.
