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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 21 Nov 1989

Vol. 393 No. 4

Written Answers. - Food Processing Industry Development.


asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the steps he intends to take to promote the development of the food processing industry on the north side of Dublin; if he intends to take any steps to provide additional facilities to encourage food processing industries to locate there; if he considers that adequate buildings, serviced sites and other facilities suitable for food processing are available; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

In line with the priority given to the agri-food industry in the Programme for National Recovery a five year strategy 1988-1992 for the food and drink sector was drawn up by the IDA and my Department. Companies coming forward with viable proposals will receive every assistance possible from the State and State agencies.

The requirements of the food industry in regard to buildings, services and environmental aspects are extremely important. In this connection the provision of a specialist park, with serviced sites geared primarily for the food processing industry in the greater Dublin area, is under consideration at present by the IDA. Measures to encourage new food ventures are also being examined.
