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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Dec 1989

Vol. 394 No. 5

Written Answers. - Smoke Control Zone Area Grants.


asked the Minister for the Environment if his attention has been drawn to the case of a person (details supplied) in Dublin 10 and a small number of similar cases in the smoke control zone area A of Ballyfermot who are tenant purchasers who opted to meet the smoke control zone requirements set out by him by converting to a Parkray heater and radiators but who now find that in addition to the total conversion costs of £1,100 against which a £700 grant has been approved, they expect to incur additional expenditure of about £600 to have the chimney lining brought up to standard to accept a Parkray; to the fact that this extra cost almost certainly rules out this option for the person concerned; if, in view of this extra liability, he will approve an additional grant for tenant purchasers in this position, especially in view of the fact that tenants in a similar position are having the job carried out by Dublin Corporation; if, in view of the fact that the expiry date for work in zone A is 31 December 1989, he will extend in these cases the date for completion of work; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The administration of the scheme of financial assistance made under section 45 of the Air Pollution Act, 1987 in respect of the Ballyfermot Area A special control area is a matter for Dublin Corporation and I am not in a position to comment on individual applications.

This scheme provides very generous levels of grant in respect of the costs of appliances and related materials, installation and making good any consequential damage. In so far as the 100 per cent grant limits applicable to tenant purchasers are concerned, I am satisfied that these are sufficient to meet the cost of supplying and installing a chosen option, while bearing in mind that the grant scheme does not cover the cost of betterment or upgrading in any case. It would not be possible to meet such costs by way of increased grants nor to extend grants to meet the costs of additional structural works which might be found necessary in regard to the installation of certain heating options in particular cases.

The occupier of a dwelling in a special control area who does not have a chimney suitable for use with enclosed solid fuel appliances may of course opt for an alternative heating system which is eligible under the grant scheme.

I understand that Dublin Corporation will investigate any reports of defective chimneys in tenancy dwellings and, if necessary, will carry out remedial works sufficient to enable a chimney to be used safely for the purpose for which it was intended. However, no remedial or maintenance work is carried out by the corporation in respect of a tenant purchase dwelling; such works are a matter for the occupants concerned.

The expiry date for completion of approved conversion works in Ballyfermot Area A is being extended to allow sufficient time for all applicants for grants to complete necessary works.
