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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 10 Jul 1990

Vol. 401 No. 4

Written Answers. - Aquaculture Monitoring Arrangement.

Eamon Gilmore


100 Mr. Gilmore asked the Minister for the Marine the improved monitoring arrangement and mandatory codes of practice for aquaculture which have been put in place since the beginning of 1990.

The Government's traget as stated in the environment action programme is to bring all aquaculture operations under an effective licensing and monitoring regime by the end of next year. To this end additional resources were provided in the budget for 1990 to strengthen the technical and administrative regulation of the industry.

As a result, my Department has established a systematic programme of inspection for all fish farms to ensure compliance with existing standards. Additional controls are likely to be introduced on foot of the report of the working group on mandatory codes of practice for finfish aquaculture. The committee is at present finalising its report.
