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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Oct 1990

Vol. 402 No. 1

Written Answers. - Sunday Voting.

Paul Bradford


252 Mr. Bradford asked the Minister for the Environment the reason he did not arrange to hold the Presidential election on a Sunday in view of (a) the trend towards Sunday voting in all other European countries and (b) the advantages which Sunday voting would offer to college students and others whose working hours make it difficult to exercise their franchise.

The day appointed as polling day at the Presidential election is a Wednesday. This is in line with the practice at previous elections of appointing a midweek polling day.

There are differing views on the advantages of Sunday polling. While it is true that some European countries vote on Sundays, others favour a weekday poll.

For the future, the possibility of Sunday voting is not excluded but a decision on this must, among other things, take account of possible reservations on religious grounds.
