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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 5 Feb 1991

Vol. 404 No. 6

Written Answers. - Improvement of Health Services.

Richard Bruton


183 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Health whether, associated with the health section of the Programme for Economic and Social Progress, he has set quantitative targets for the improvement of specific areas of the health service; and, if so, if he will outline those targets in each of the next seven years for (1) residential places and day care and respite places, (a) for the mentally handicapped, and (b) for the physically handicapped; (2) public long-stay nursing home places and respite places for the elderly; and (3) throughput of patients receiving orthodontic and adult dental treatment.

As outlined in the Programme for Economic and Social Progress, the services referred to by the Deputy will be developed in accordance with the recommendations of expert reports and the requirements of new legislation. The reports include The Years Ahead — A Policy for the Elderly, Planning for the Future and the Report of the Review Group on Mental Handicap Services. These reports include quantitative targets to guide the development of services. The legislation referred to in the programme includes the Health (Nursing Homes) Act, 1990 and the Child Care Bill currently before the Oireachtas.

It will be a matter for each health board to draw up or revise existing plans for the development of community services in accordance with the commitments of the programme. The pace of implementation will be dictated by the capacity of the economy to support such development, within the overall framework outlined in the programme.
