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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 5 Feb 1991

Vol. 404 No. 6

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Slua Muirí Recruitment.

Dick Spring


7 Mr. Spring asked the Taoiseach if recruitment is currently taking place to An Slua Muirí; if so, the rate of recruitment; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

A total of 83 recruits were enlisted in An Slua Muirí in 1990. In the current year there will be scope for the recruitment of up to 125 personnel.

Am I correct in saying that the Defence Forces were instructed last year to recruit women into An Slua Muirí? What number of the recruits are women or has a policy decision been taken by the Naval Service that women should not be recruited into An Slua Muirí?

There is no such policy decision. On that score I will be giving the Deputy good news in reply to the next question or the following question.

Can the Taoiseach confirm that despite the instruction to the Defence Forces in 1990 no women have been recruited in the past year?

That is the position.
