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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 6 Feb 1991

Vol. 404 No. 7

Written Answers. - Road Tolling Proposals.

Eric J. Byrne


28 Mr. Byrne asked the Minister for the Environment the way in which it is proposed to raise approximately £50 million for road construction from private investment involving tolling between 1991 and 1993; the roads which are to be tolled; if he has now abandoned proposals for the tolling of the Dublin Western Ring Road; and if the new procedures for tolling will be included in the proposed roads Bill.

Mervyn Taylor


114 Mr. Taylor asked the Minister for the Environment the amount expended by Dublin County Council on his authorisation in providing facilities for tolls by providing widened road ramps and plinths for toll booths on the Dublin Ring Road; if he will outline the circumstances under which these moneys were authorised to be expended; and if he will further outline his policy in relation to the provision of additional tolls on the Ring Road; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 28 and 114 together.

The tentative estimate of £50 million mentioned in the operational programme on peripherality was related to three major improvement projects identified as potentially suitable for toll-based private investment. The position on each of them is as follows. Dublin Ring Road: I have written to Dublin County Council in response to the resolution passed by them on 5 October 1990 asking them to consider in depth the case for the tolling of the Dublin ring road, in whole or in part, having regard to a range of factors, including the point that it has been long standing Government policy to encourage toll-based private investment and to use any additional funding from that source to accelerate the road development programme.
Leixlip/Maynooth/Kilcock: On the recommendation of the National Roads Authority, it is not now proposed to invite proposals for toll-based private investment in this route. Downstream crossing of the River Lee: Any consideration of tolling in this case will have to await a decision on Cork Corporation's application for a bridge order.
Pending the presentation to the House of the roads Bill it would be inappropriate to give details of its provisions.
In my replies to Questions Nos. 200 of 19 June 1990 and 15 and 49 of 10 July 1990, I set out in some details the circumstances in which it was decided that certain preliminary works should be undertaken to facilitate further tolling of the Dublin ring road in the event of such a decision being made by the local authority. To date £2.2 million has been certified and paid in respect of these works. Elements of the cost of the works have still to be agreed by the parties concerned, and in the circumstances, it is not possible at this stage to indicate the overall cost.