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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 13 Feb 1991

Vol. 405 No. 1

Written Answers. - Flying Regulations.

Seán Ryan


33 Mr. Ryan asked the Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications if he will outline his Department's regulations governing the rules of the air with particular reference to the minimum height level at which light aircraft and helicopters may fly while operating in the vicinity of built up areas, in view of the claim that small aircraft have been flying dangerously low over River Valley Swords, County Dublin; and if he will further outline (a) where ultimate responsibility lies for ensuring that these regulations are adhered to once aircraft have taken off and (b) where ultimate responsibilities for ensuring that aircraft adhere to the flightpath lodged with air traffic control once aircraft have taken off.

The general flight rules concerning minimum heights are specified in Rule 3 of the Air Navigation (Rules of the Air) Order, 1973 (S.I. No. 22 of 1973) as amended by the Air Navigation (Rules of the Air) (Amendment) Order, 1974 (S.I. No. 18 of 1974).

In summary, the rule provides that an aircraft, except while landing or taking off, shall not be flown at a height less than 1,500 ft. over densely populated areas, or elsewhere at less than 500 ft. These minimum heights are not applicable to a helicopter if the flight is being conducted without hazard to persons or property, and at a height which would permit it, in the event of an emergency occurring, to land without undue hazard to persons or property.

The aeronautical operations service in the air navigation services office of my Department are responsible for investigating violations of the rules of the air and non-adherence to air traffic control clearances. Any complaints relating to infringement of these rules should be addressed to that office giving the time and date of such infringement, together with, where possible, the aircraft type and registration number. Any such complaints will be fully investigated by my Department.
