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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 17 Apr 1991

Vol. 407 No. 1

Written Answers. - Sale of Sligo Hospital.

Edward Nealon


290 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for Health if his attention has been drawn to the fact that St. Columba's Hospital, Sligo is now for sale by tender; and if, prior to being placed on the market, discussions took place with other Departments and State and statutory bodies who might have been interested in the use of the building.

Edward Nealon


291 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for Health if he will outline (1) the holder of the title deeds to St. Columba's Hospital, Sligo now for sale by tender (2) the vendors of the hospital (3) the beneficiaries from the proceeds of the sale and (4) the rights of Sligo and Leitrim County Councils who were the earlier owners of the hospital.

Edward Nealon


292 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for Health if he will outline the terms and conditions under which St. Columba's Hospital, Sligo, now for sale by tender on 20 acres of land was transferred from Sligo and Leitrim Mental Hospital Board and Sligo and Leitrim County Councils to the North Western Health Board.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 290, 291 and 292 together.

I am aware that the North Western Health Board have placed the main building at St. Columba's Hospital, Sligo and approximately 20 acres of adjoining land for sale by tender.

I have been informed by the North Western Health Board that prior to placing the building and lands on the market, the board had discussions with the County Sligo Vocational Education Committee regarding their possible interest in the property.

The North Western Health Board are the holder of the title deeds and the vendor of the hospital. The board are the owners of the hospital by virtue of the provisions of the Health Act, 1970, and the rights of other authorities in this matter do not therefore arise. I understand that it is the health board's intention to apply the proceeds from the sale of this property towards the development of the psychiatric services and services for the elderly.
