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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 8 May 1991

Vol. 408 No. 1

Written Answers. - Dublin Airport Air Traffic Control.

Ivor Callely


163 Mr. Callely asked the Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications if he will outline the instrument landing systems in operation at Dublin Airport; if he has satisfied himself with air traffic control facilities at Dublin Airport; and if he has any plans for further improvement.

Dublin Airport have three ILS systems, two of which operate to category 2 level and the third to category 1 level. Category 2 allows landings when cloud ceiling is 100 feet and category 1 allows landings when cloud level is 200 feet. The systems in use comply with the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).

I am satisfied that Dublin Airport now have very satisfactory air traffic control facilities, most of which has been installed within the last three years as part of a major five-year £30 million re-equipment programme undertaken by my Department for Dublin, Cork and Shannon airports. This programme, which will be completed within the next 18 months, will ensure that Dublin and, indeed, all State airports, will have modern systems and equipment comparable to the best available in Europe.

The air navigation services office of my Department are currently reviewing the position in relation to future equipment requirements following completion of the five-year re-equipment programme.
