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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 9 May 1991

Vol. 408 No. 2

Written Answers - Health Education Programmes.

Bernard Allen


66 Mr. Allen asked the Minister for Education the steps, if any, she has taken to set up a health education programme in the schools, having regard to a recent survey in Cork which shows that a significant number of boys and girls, in their mid-teens attending school are drinking alcohol and also experimenting with cannabis, tranquilisers and LSD.

My Department co-operates with the Department of Health and their agencies in support of health education in schools. Such programmes include topics such as the misuse of alcohol and other drugs. Examples of such co-operation are the production of educational resource materials, the organisation of in-service courses for teachers and projects undertaken by local health boards to promote health education in schools. The Departments of Education and Health have begun a major review of all substance abuse, including alcohol abuse, education programmes in schools.
