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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Jun 1991

Vol. 409 No. 9

Ceisteanna — Questions. Oral Answers. - Acquisition of CIE Land.

Tony Gregory


17 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Tourism, Transport and Communications if he has now received the submission from Irish Rail in response to Dublin Corporation's request to acquire land for rehousing of the Sheriff Street tenants; if he has considered the matter; and if he will make a statement as to his decision.

A report recently submitted to me by CIE regarding land in their possession in the Sheriff Street area is being examined by my Department. The report has also been furnished to the Department of the Environment and is the subject of correspondence between that Department and Dublin Corporation.

I can assure the Deputy that my Department are continuing to pursue this matter both with CIE and the Department of the Environment aimed at resolving the problem as soon as possible.

I hope that the Department will throughly and critically examine CIE's submission. Will the Minister ensure that this matter is expedited and the site in question is essential to Dublin Corporation's rehousing plan for the people of Sheriff Street and the fact that Dublin Corporation have been unable to acquire the site is holding up development on adjoining sites which have already been acquired by Dublin Corporation for rehousing purposes.

I understand the Deputy's concern. I have discussed the matter with the Minister for the Environment and he has conveyed to me his interest in moving ahead with Dublin Corporation's proposals in this regard. I will discuss the matter again with CIE.

The Minister is aware that CIE put great emphasis on the proximity of this site to the Financial Services Centre. Is the Minister aware that Connolly Station is merely a matter of yards from the Financial Services Centre, right in the docks area? Why CIE should require a narrow stretch of land which has been disused and has lain derelict for many years is quite beyond the understanding of local representatives. Could he bear this in mind and talk again to CIE on the matter? They seem to be stonewalling on this issue. The site is very important to Dublin Corporation but it does not appear to have had any importance for CIE in the past.

Deputy Gregory is embarking upon a speech.

It is not clear why the site should have such importance now.

I have undertaken to discuss the matter again with CIE and I will do so as a matter of urgency. Their initial interest is in the possible future development of a light rail link to the quays. I am aware of the competing interests and the very urgent requirements of housing.

I would re-emphasise that Connolly Station is yards away from the quays.

The Deputy has already made that point.
