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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 16 Oct 1991

Vol. 411 No. 1

Written Answers. - Hospital Expenses Refund.

Michael Moynihan


570 Mr. Moynihan asked the Minister for Health if he will investigate the eligibility of a person (details supplied) in County Kerry for a refund of expenses of approximately £1,000 paid in respect of treatment provided for her late husband while a patient in a private hospital, as the urgent treatment required was not available in a health board hospital even though he was a medical card holder.

Medical card holders are entitled to public hospital services without charge. The case in question concerns ENT services, which are available to patients in the Southern Health Board area in the South Infirmary/Victoria Hospital, Cork. This is a public hospital and the regional ENT unit has been located there since 1987.

There are no arrangements for refunding the costs incurred by patients who opt for private hospital treatment. However, tax relief is available on medical expenses which are not reimbursed from any other source. The Revenue Commissioners will provide details to the family concerned on request.
