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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 11 Dec 1991

Vol. 414 No. 5

Written Answers. - Payments due to Health Boards.

Richard Bruton


100 Mr. R. Bruton asked the Minister for Health whether there are outstanding payments due to the health boards by references to the agreed phasing of payment from their 1991 allocation; and, if so, if she will outline the amounts in respect of each health board.

As my predecessor has already indicated the level of cash issued to the health boards by my Department is in line with cash profiles agreed at the beginning of the year. The profiles are based on cash figures determined by the Department in accordance with the boards' approved expenditure levels and are revised in line with increases in the boards' allocation. All the cash due this year in respect of the 1991 allocations will be issued by the end of the month. However, as the allocations for 1991 have yet to be finalised in respect of pay and other adjustments, I am not in a position to indicate the precise amount due to each board for the rest of the year.
