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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 18 Feb 1992

Vol. 415 No. 8

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Tom Enright


405 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the current position of an application under the beef subsidy scheme by a person (details supplied) in County Offaly; and if he will outline the grants that can be paid in this case.

The person named has been deemed ineligible for grants under the 1991 special beef premium scheme as he listed an ineligible female animal on his application form.

Tom Enright


406 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the current position of an application under the beef subsidy scheme by a person (details supplied) in County Laois; and if he will outline the grants that can be paid in this case.

Payment due to this person under the 1991 beef cow scheme is being processed and payment will issue shortly.

He has been deemed ineligible for grants under the 1991 special beef premium scheme because he listed an ineligible female animal on his application.

Tom Enright


407 Mr. Enright asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food the current position of an application under the beef subsidy scheme by a person (details supplied) in County Laois; and if he will outline the grants that can be paid in this area.

This person has been deemed ineligible for grants under the 1991 special beef premium scheme because he did not maintain all the animals listed on his application for two months or until inspection, whichever was later, as required under the terms and conditions of the scheme.

P. J. Sheehan


408 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of his cattle headage suckler cow, beef premium and ewe premium grants.

This applicant's 1991 suckler cow premium and special beef premium schemes grants are being processed and if in order payments will issue shortly.

The first and second instalments of the 1991 ewe premium were paid to the person named in September and November 1991 respectively. The third and final instalment will be paid in March/April 1992 when the exact amount of that instalment is fixed by the EC Commission.
Payments to him under the 1991 cattle headage and sheep headage schemes have been deferred because of his refusal to comply with the provisions of the bovine tuberculosis eradication scheme.

P. J. Sheehan


409 Mr. Sheehan asked the Minister for Agriculture and Food when a person (details supplied) in County Cork will receive payment of his sheep headage and ewe premium grants.

The first and second instalments of the 1991 ewe premium were paid to the person named in July and November 1991. The third and final instalment will be paid in March/April 1992 when the exact amount of that instalment is fixed by the EC Commission.

The 1991 sheep headage grant was paid in November 1991.
