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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 25 Mar 1992

Vol. 417 No. 6

Adjournment Debate. - Castleisland (Kerry) Project Funding.

There are two aspects of this matter to which I would like to draw the Minister's attention. We all accept the necessity for providing athletic and sporting facilities throughout the country. The development undertaken by An Ríocht Sports Club in Castleisland is taking place in a county with a rich tradition in track and field athletics. Indeed the county has produced a number of international athletes. The project requires substantial investment from the Government. Until this project was undertaken, the facilities available in County Kerry for track and field sports were totally inadequate. Notwithstanding the inadequacy that persisted, Kerry has produced international and national champions and also Olympic contestants.

Castleisland is a town which will benefit enormously from this development. The town does not have any major public park and this project would serve as a public park and area for relaxation. The town has six schools and there are 11 schools in the catchment area catering for a large young population with huge potential. This is a very ambitious project. The costings, which I am sure the Minister has in his Department, amount to £620,000 for a four phase development.

This project is worth supporting. It offers enormous potential for the development of athletics and field and track sports in this country. The project will need substantial investment from Government agencies. I am glad of the opportunity to bring that to the attention of the Minister involved. I would invite the Minister to take the opportunity on his next visit to the county to look at the facilities which are being developed. This is a huge undertaking for what is a very successful athletics club, which has made its mark on Irish and international athletics. The project needs support. The people of Castleisland and of County Kerry are giving it great support, but the scale of the undertaking means that they will require substantial public investment. I would urge the Minister to give tonight a commitment to that public investment.

I must make it clear at the very start that all the money provided under the amenities-recreational facilities grants scheme in 1991 was fully allocated. In effect, the 1991 scheme is finished and it only now remains for the grants that were allocated to be paid, according as the work is done and proper claims are submitted. The full list of the projects to which grants were allocated is in the Oireachtas Library. There is no provision in my Department's Vote for new grant allocation in 1992.

The local authorities recommended over 3,600 applications, worth nearly £282 million, to my Department for funding under the 1991 scheme. The total amount sought in grants was £121 million. There was just £4 million to give out and this was allocated to 982 of the recommended projects. It was inevitable that there would be many disappointed applicants and that many of those who were successful in obtaining grants would be disappointed at the amount they received.

An application from the Riocht Athletic Club for a grant of £10,000 for the completion of a running track was recommended by Kerry County Council to my Department for grant purposes under the 1991 scheme. In the event the project was allocated a grant of £4,000. A claim for payment of the grant in full was submitted by Kerry County Council to my Department on 20 February 1992 and the grant was paid on 4 March. In those circumstances I hope the Deputy will accept that there was no undue delay by my Department in dealing with the matter.

As I often visit Kerry, I will be glad to avail of the invitation from Deputy Spring, to see the facilities. Unfortunately, in the context of the 1992 allocation, it might not have the result which the Deputy seeks. These projects being undertaken by volunteers in terms of community services are ones that deserve maximum consideration, but in the context of this year's Estimates I understand that considerable resources from the lottery were dedicated to mental handicap.
