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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 7 Apr 1992

Vol. 418 No. 4

Written Answers. - Telecom Inquiry Inspector's Fee.

Tomás MacGiolla


70 Tomás Mac Giolla asked the Minister for Industry and Commerce if he will outline the daily fee payable to a person (details supplied) who was appointed to report on the Telecom Éireann affair; when he is expected to report; the steps being taken to ensure there is no inordinate delay in his investigations; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

I would refer the Deputy to my reply to an earlier question in this House on 29 January 1992 (volume 415, column 192 of the Official Report). No further payment has since been made to the inspector. The fees negotiated with the inspector are based on the going hourly rate for complex work of this nature and range from some £120 per hour for a partner to £24 per hour for an apprentice solicitor.

The inspector will report to me as soon as possible. The investigation has continued to be the subject of an abnormal amount of litigation, some of which is still ongoing. The inspector continues to endeavour to pursue his task vigorously and speedily.
