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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 24 Jun 1992

Vol. 421 No. 5

Written Answers. - Foetal Alcohol Syndrome.

John Bruton


131 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Health if he will outline the programme of his Department to deal with the ongoing effects of excessive alcohol consumption during pregnancy, with particular reference to the problem of foetal alcohol syndrome.

My Department is concerned to promote lifestyles which will lead to good health for all individuals, and the Health Promotion Unit has several educational programmes which encourage healthy lifestyles, covering such aspects as nutrition, the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, etc. These programmes recommend the responsible use of alcohol by all individuals.

Among the educational materials on alcohol available from the Health Promotion Unit are the leaflets "Women and Alcohol". These provide advice and information on the effects of alcohol on women. They outline the dangers of excessive drinking during pregnancy, which can result in physical and mental abnormalities known as Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). These leaflets are available without charge from my Department, Health Board offices and other outlets. The "Book of the Child" which is also available without charge to all pregnant women, again points out the danger of excess alcohol during pregnancy.

The "Drink Awareness for Youth" programme, developed by the Health Promotion Unit of my Department and the National Youth Council of Ireland, alerts young people to the effects of alcohol on the unborn child and recommends that women should not drink during pregnancy. To date over 1,000 individuals who work with young people have been trained to use this programme.
