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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 15 Oct 1992

Vol. 423 No. 6

Written Answers. - Invalidity Grant Pension.

Jim Mitchell


95 Mr. J. Mitchell asked the Minister for Social Welfare whether a decision has been made to grant invalidity pension to a person (details supplied) in Dublin 3; if so, the date the pension will be paid; and if not, when a decision will be made.

The person concerned has been in receipt of Disability Benefit since 23 October 1985.

Following an examination by a Medical Referee of my Department on 13 October 1992, she has been found to be permanently incapable of work.

A claim form for Invalidity Pension issued to her on 13 October 1992 and on receipt of this completed form her claim to Invalidity Pension will be processed without delay.
