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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 20 Oct 1992

Vol. 423 No. 8

Written Answers. - Group Water Schemes.

Edward Nealon


180 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment if he has identified any source of finance, EC or otherwise, that would enable him to provide the funds for work to commence on the Castleconnor, Skreen/Dromard and other group water schemes in County Sligo; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Edward Nealon


185 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment the reason the funds required for group water schemes in West Sligo cannot be provided where the lack of piped water presents a major threat to jobs in farming and tourism, in view of the fact that £50 million could be made available immediately to counter the threat to jobs by the currency changes.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 180 and 185 together.

Group water scheme grants and estimated local contributions would together provide only some 38 per cent of the financing required for these high cost schemes. Their financing would, under present arrangements, require a substantial further grant from the budget for public water and sewerage schemes. Having regard to existing commitments under the water and sanitary services programme, it is not possible to indicate when these schemes may be approved.

Edward Nealon


181 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment if EC Structural Funds can be used for group water schemes; if so, the names and locations of the group schemes where such funds have been applied or have been allocated; and the amount of money involved.

Group water schemes do not qualify for EC Structural Funds under the current operational programme for water, sanitary and other local services. The possibility of including these schemes under the next round of Structural Funds is being pursued at present.

Edward Nealon


182 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment the funds which have been made available in the past for group water schemes where his Department's maximum grants and the maximum reasonable contributions by members of the group would not meet the cost of the schemes because of particular difficulties; and the funds, if any, which are now available.

Subject to the resources available, it has been the practice, in certain circumstances, to make a special grant to a group water scheme of this kind out of the capital provision for public water supply schemes. Because of the high level of commitments under the Water and Sanitary Services Programme generally, and the very high level of special grants that would be necessary for some group schemes, it is necessary, at present, to limit the extent to which new commitments for special grants are entered into.

Edward Nealon


183 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment the amount of money for group water schemes in 1993 which has already been committed; the names and locations of the schemes involved in these commitments; and the further moneys which are available for commitment at this stage under the maximum allowed for group schemes under the Department of Finance guidelines.

Edward Nealon


186 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment the total funds made available or committed in this financial year for group water schemes; the names and locations of each scheme involved; and the moneys allocated to each scheme.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 183 and 186 together. Two million pounds has been provided for group water scheme grants in 1992. Grant commitments currently stand at £2.2 million of which £900,000 is expected to be paid in respect of grants falling due between now and the end of the year. Since grants for individual schemes are paid according as works progress, it is not possible at this stage to give details of the schemes in respect of which grant payments will be made before the end of the year. It would not be practicable, having regard to the time available and the commitment of staff time and resources that would be involved, to compile the further information requested.

Edward Nealon


184 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment if any special funds will be made available for piped water supplies in farming areas where the new stringent hygiene regulations are presenting a threat to the livelihood of dairy farmers; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

Grant levels and overall Government financial support of the group water schemes programme have been maintained notwithstanding the termination of FEOGA support for this programme in April 1991. Applications under the programme are being approved on an ongoing basis. The inclusion of group schemes among the measures eligible for EC Structural Funds is being pursued at present.

Edward Nealon


187 Mr. Nealon asked the Minister for the Environment the total number of group water schemes now awaiting sanction and funding; if he will give a breakdown of this total on a county basis; the total estimated cost of these schemes; and the estimated total grants involved.

Some 90 schemes are at an advanced stage of planning and a large number are at earlier stages of processing. The additional information requested is being compiled and will be forwarded to the Deputy as soon as possible.
