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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 3 Nov 1992

Written Answers. - Departmental Working Group on Medical Litigation.

Jimmy Deenihan


173 Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Health if he has received a report from the special working group representing his Department and the Departments of Finance, Industry and Commerce and Justice, and the Office of the Attorney General which was set up to examine the growing cost of litigation arising from allegations of medical negligence; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The working group to which the Deputy refers was established to examine all areas of medical indemnity. However, in view of the significant increasing costs, the group was asked to focus initially on any possible short term alternatives to the present system of providing indemnity.

The group identified a range of short term alternatives and recommended that particular grades of staff be excluded from the present system of providing indemnity. I accepted that recommendation and requested the group to pursue the practical arrangements required. I am glad to report that I have recently signed a contract with the Medical Protection Society for the provision of medical indemnity for these particular grades of staff.
The group are now proceeding with the remainder of their work programme and I hope now to have their report by the end of the year.