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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 31 Mar 1993

Vol. 428 No. 6

Written Answers. - Location of American Companies in Ireland.

Martin Cullen


32 Mr. Cullen asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment the number of new prospective companies which might consider locating in Ireland which he met during his recent visit to San José, Seattle and Phoenix in the United States; if he targeted any specific manufacturing sector; if he also met with service sector companies; the number of potential jobs involved; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

During the course of my recent industrial promotion schedule in the United States, I had 16 separate meetings with companies who either already have plants in Ireland or are target companies.

In addition to these meetings, I addressed a group of some 30 target companies on the benefits to US companies of investing in Ireland.

The companies which I met were in the electronics and software sectors. Meetings with companies already located here are vital to maintain close contact and to discuss strategic and potential future developments, while discussions with target companies help reinforce the Irish Government's welcome for US investment.

During my visit I announced that two of the companies I met, Microsoft and Informix, which are among the world's leaders in software, have agreed proposals with the Industrial Development Authority which will create over 270 new high calibre jobs in Dublin. Several other companies indicated either further expansion in Ireland or setting up possible operations here at an early date.

I also announced that four other software projects agreed with the IDA and involving a total of 150 jobs, are also setting up in and around Dublin.
