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Dáil Éireann debate -
Thursday, 4 Nov 1993

Vol. 435 No. 5

Written Answers. - North-South Cultural Links.

Austin Currie


25 Mr. Currie asked the Minister for Arts, Culture and the Gaeltacht the financial provision he intends to make towards the fostering of cultural links between North and South.

There is already a significant amount of practical cross-Border co-operation in the area of arts and culture through the Arts Councils, North and South and other cultural institutions funded by the State. My Department contributes financially both directly and indirectly to the promotion of cross-Border cultural links including Irish language cultural activities.

Ways in which existing cross-Border co-operation in arts and culture might be developed further are currently under discussion between officials of my Department and the Department of Education in Northern Ireland. I hope to meet with Minister Ancram in the very near future to discuss these issues and help promote new initiatives.
