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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 14 Dec 1993

Vol. 437 No. 2

Written Answers. - National Lottery Allocation.

Phil Hogan


209 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Education when the necessary funds will be provided from the national lottery to construct a new hockey pitch at Kilkenny city; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

An application from Kilkenny County Council for grant assistance towards the cost of the proposed floodlit synthetic pitch is under consideration by my Department.

The Minister for Youth and Sport has held discussions with Kilkenny County Council and local hockey interests in relation to the proposed development.

The level of grant to be provided will be considered in the context of the funds available for the new sport capital programme.

Phil Hogan


210 Mr. Hogan asked the Minister for Education when the necessary finance will be provided from the national lottery to construct the new swimming pool at Kilkenny city; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

An application has been received from Kilkenny County Council for financial assistance towards the cost of the provision of a leisure complex, including a swimming pool.

The Minister for Youth and Sport has visited the existing pool in Kilkenny and has held meetings with officials of Kilkenny County Council in relation to the application.

The question of the allocation of a grant towards the project will be considered in the context of the funds available to my Department in 1994 for the major sports capital programme and following a detailed analysis of all aspects of the proposal including the commissioning of a feasibility study.