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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 15 Dec 1993

Vol. 437 No. 3

Written Answers. - EU Human Resources Initiatives.

Tony Gregory


71 Mr. Gregory asked the Minister for Enterprise and Employment if he will give a list of the EU Human Resources Initiative projects now in operation; when the pilot project will cease; and the plans, if any, the Government has to ensure their continuation.

The three Human Resources Community Initiatives, Euroform, NOW and Horizon have been in operation since 1991 and 191 projects are currently approved. A list of these projects under each Initiative is attached at the appendix.

Some projects will conclude at the end of 1993; others will continue until the end of 1994.

The Government is committed to the continuation of the Human Resources Community Initiatives into the new Structural Funding period to run up to the end of 1999. The National Development Plan indicates the priority the Government places on the types of actions supported under Euroform, NOW and Horizon.

On a number of occasions, I have raised the issue of the continuation of Euroform, NOW and Horizon with the Commissioner for Social Affairs, Mr. Pádraig Flynn. Most recently, at the Congress on Community Initiatives, which was organised by my Department on behalf of the European Commission, I indicated that I am personally very attached to retaining all three Initiatives in their present format and strongly encouraged the Commission to reflect seriously on the justification for any revision which might be proposed. I believe that while the focus or emphasis of the Initiatives may be adapted or enlarged, it is important to retain their existing profile and to be conscious of the recognition factor which Euroform, NOW and Horizon have so recently established throughout all Member States in the European Union.

I have also urged the European Commission to expedite its consideration of the future for the Community Initiatives to ensure that discontent and confusion do not jeopardise the benefits which Euroform, NOW and Horizon have created. I will continue to urge these views and I am confident that Euroform, NOW and Horizon will continue and new projects will also have the opportunity to develop innovative approaches to training and new training content over the next funding period.
Euroform Projects


Project Title

SMEs Measure

1. FÁS

Hybrid Technical Pilot Training Programme


Training for Marginalised Workers

3. Irish Productivity Centre

Environmental Business Management for SMEs


Self-Reliance, Leadership and Participation in the Collective Context

5. Tallaght regional technical college

Quality Training for SMEs

6. Templebar Properties

A Programme of Training for the Cultural Industries

7. Kencem Ltd

Open Distance Learning Programme in Project Management

8. Audio Visual Centre UCD

The European Virtual Classroom for Vocational Training

9. Cork regional technical college

Technician Level Courses in Information Technology

10. University of Limerick

Telecommunications Management for SMEs

11. Eukon Training Consultants

Training for SMEs in the Food Sector.

12. Dairygold

Training the Maintenance Trainer in the Food Industry.

New Technology Measure

13. Cork regional technical college

Preparation and Establishment of Retraining Programmes in Analytical Science

14. EO Teilifis

Audio/Production of Lesser Used Languages

15. FÁS

Training incorporating the Current Sewing Technological Innovations

16. Tallaght regional technical college

Conservation of the Built Environment

17. FAS

Desk-Top Publishing and Electronic Image Processing

18. FÁS

Industry Advanced Manufacturing/CNC training

19. Trinity College Dublin

Training for SMEs in Optoelectronics and Laser Technology

20. National Council of YMCAs

Training in New Technology for Disadvantaged Young People

21. St. Luke's and St Anne's Hospital

Therapeutic Radiography

22. National Distance Education Centre, DCU

Interactive Multi-Media Development

23. Digital Equipment Ireland Ltd

The Application of New Technology to Distance Learning

New Qualifications Measure

24. Aer Lingus

New Focus on Customer Service Skills

25. Coillte

New Occupational Qualifications for Trainers and Trainees in Forestry

26. FÁS

Integrated Training and Assessment

27. FÁS

Accreditation of Prior Learning/Achievement

28. Mountaineering Council of Ireland

Mountain Leader Qualifications

29. National Youth Federation

Integrating the Personal and Vocational Training of Disadvantaged Youth through new Training Qualifications for Youth Workers/Trainers

30. European Institute of Industrial Engineers

Harmonisation of Industrial Engineering/Management Services Training

31. Moate Business College

European Enterprise Training

32. UCG

European Training of Trainers Programme

33. Our Lady's Hospice

The Development of a Training Programme for Health Care Assistants

Tourism Measure

34. CERT

Vocational Education and Training for Small Tourism Enterprises

35. Muintearas

Muintearas Cultural Heritage Tourism Skills

36. Údarás na Gaeltachta

Costa Chonnamara/North West Mayo Cultural Tourism


37. Comhchoiste Forbartha

Cultural/Ecotourism in West Kerry

38. Údarás na Gaeltachta, Donegal

Tourism in Gaeltacht Regions

39. Dublin College of Catering

Rural Tourism Development

40. Dublin College of Catering

Advanced Information Technology Courses for the Hospitality/Tourism Industry

41. SFADCo

Tourism Entrepreneurship Programme

Rural Development Measure

42. Teagasc

Training of Trainers in Rural Development

43. Baile Conaill

Tele-Cottage Baile Conaill

44. IRD Duhallow

An Alternative Approach to Rural Development

45. Macra na Feirme

Training for Community Groups involved in Rural Economic Development

Environment Measure

46. Conservation Volunteers Ireland

Natural and Cultural Heritage Training

47. Dublin Institute of Technology

Environment Management Control Development

48. EEE — Ecology, Energy, Econ- omics

The Environment and Employment

49. Conservation Education Trust

Training for Trainers for the National Conservation Education Centre.

Local Development and Employment Creation Measure.

50. FÁS

Enterprise Development and Work Opportunities for Urban and Rural Disadvantaged.

51. Dublin Institute of Technology

Regional and Local Economic Development.

52. Irish Trade Union Trust

Social Partnership Formation.

53. Arklow Enterprise Centre

Enterprise Development.

54. Macnas Training Ltd.

A Community Arts Integrated Programme.

55. Ringsend Community Workshop

Boat Building in Ringsend.

56. St. Andrew's Resource Centre

Training for LTU in Community Enterprise.

57. Trinity College Dublin

Training Partnership with University of Liverpool.

58. Senior College Ballyfermot

Development of a Centre for Performance and Entertainment Arts.

59. West Cork Education Institute for Rural Development

Preparation for Employment in West Cork.

60. National Youth and Local Arts Training (Arts Council, NYCI, UCD)


Actions to Help the Long-Term Unemployed

61. National Distance Education Centre DCU

Higher Education Opportunities for the Unemployed through Open Distance Learning.

62. RTC and Audio Visual Centre UCD

Learning Skills for the Long-Term Unemployed

63. Alliance for Work Forum

Information Technology Course for the LTU

64. University of Limerick

Mobility Programme for Trainers.

Technical Assistance

65. Dublin Technology Partnership

Skills Transfer Study in Vocational Education and Training

Horizon Projects


Project Title

Measure for People with Severe Physical Handicap-Sensory Handicap

1. Ability Enterprises

To indentify and promote Telework opportunities for people already trained in IT.


To implement a national programme to enable people access to third level colleges.

3. Board of Employment for the Blind

To develop a training and employment initiative for blind workers.

4. Central Remedical Clinic

Training for severly disabled in the use of powered wheelchairs, communications aids and other adaptive devices.

5. Cheshire Foundation

To provide training through Distance Learning in computer applications.

6. Cork Deaf Enterprises

To set up and run a furniture manufacturing enterprise for deaf and hearing impaired people.

7. Design for Disability

Promotion of higher standards of design.

8. General Health and Information Services

To train people with physical disabilities in Computer Programming through Distance Learning.

9. Headway Ireland

Assessment and job training for people who have had traumatic head injuries.


Action research programme in the operation of a personal assistance service.

11. Interdepartmental Transport Accessibility Committee

Wheelchair-accessible public bus service.

12. Irish Society for Autism

Retail-Restaurant enterprise.

13. Irish Guide Dogs Association Training Centre Irish Association for Spina Bifida & Hydrocephalus—

Training of trainers.

14. Dublin Branch

Handcraft Enterprise.

15. Waterford & South Tipperary Branch

Manufacture of clothing for people with physical disabilities.

16. KARE

Employment strategies to generate supported employment.

17. Muscular Dystrophy Ireland

Communications Co-Operative which will provide services in the area of journalism.

18. National Council for the Blind of Ireland

To introduce the visually impaired to Information Technology and adaptive devices appropriate to their disability.

19. North Western Health Board

To provide placement following training in IT.

20. Richmond Cheshire Home

Vocational training with a view to developing a series of co-operatives to facilitate open employment.

21. St. Mary's School for Hearing Impaired

Textile training for early school leavers.

22. UCD

Promotion access to higher education.

Measure for People with Mental Handicap

23. Art Tuition

Fine art training.

24. Brothers of Charity

Developing employment options in the manufacturing sector.

25. Camphill Community

Rural based training-work programme.

26. Cara Contract Cleaners

Contract cleaning enterprise.

27. Cheeverstown House

To create a SME in the field of pottery and ceramics.


European Directory of Goods and Services produced by people with disabilities.

Daughters of Charity Services

29. Limerick

To establish a SME in textiles.

30. Dublin

Employment supports for trainees.

31. Fingal Workshop Ltd.

Garden Workshop.

32. Galway Association for Mentally Handicapped Children

To set up and run a nursery enterprise.

33. General Health and Information Services

IT training for employment in the Health Services.

34. Kingsriver Community

To develop a sawmills to employ people with a mental handicap.

35. St. Michael's House

Training for adults with learning difficulties.

36. The Polio Fellowship of Ireland

Training in European languages relevant to the catering tourism industry.

37. Shannon Community Workshops Ltd.

To create employment in the pottery industry.

38. Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary

Model enterprise in catering services.

39. SOS Kilkenny Ltd.

City craft and coffee centre enterprise.

40. Western Care Association

To provide initial training for people with a mental handicap.

Measure for People with Psychiatric or Drug Dependency

41. EVE Holdings Ltd.

To develop an enterprise engaged in the manufacture of environmental air treatment filters.

42. Midland Health Board

A Community Vocational Centre to support people to find and retain employment.

43. Mid Western Health Board & Dulick Enterprises

Setting up of model enterprises.

44. Parnell Square Business Centre

To develop a “progression to employment” training programme.

45. Schizophrenia Association of Ireland

Implement supportive methods to find and retain employment.

46. SOILSE — Eastern Health Board

Skill based training programme.


Training for drug workers to combat the spread of drug abuse.

48. Western Health Board

To establish a SME in woodwork.

Measure for Training of Rehabilitation

49. Brothers of Charity

Study to examine the potential of a sales and marketing company.

50. COPE Foundation

Test programme for the improvement of posture, gait and appearance.

51. Dublin City University

Diploma in Sign Language Interpreting.

52. Irish Deaf Society

To train Irish Sign Language Interpreters.

53. Irish Epilepsey Association

To provide trainers etc. with specialist knowledge of epi- lepsey.

54. National Rehabilitation Board

To develop and implement a formal trainers' qualification in the field of rehabilitation.

55. Rehabilitation Institute

Graduate Diploma in Social and Vocational Rehabilitation.

Measure for Self Advocacy among People with Disabilities

56. Carr Communications

Pilot Project to train people for participation in local radio broadcasting-journalism.

57. Disability Equality Training Group and UCC

Promote equality of access to third level education.

58. DET Group

Training of trainers to promote the equality of people.

59. Disabled Equality Trainers Net- work

Initiatives to promote equality for people with disabilities.

60. Forum of People with Disabilities

Establishment of local forums through which people with disabilities can articulate their own needs.

61. Irish Kidney Association

Identify supports required to enable return to vocational training and employment.

61(a). Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland

Resource centres on a regional basis for people with mobility difficulties.

Measure to Support Interventions into Homelessness and Social Exclusion

62. Dublin Committee for Travelling People

Development and delivery of training and employment programmes.

63. Focus Point

Co-ordinated series of programmes for young homeless to assist the effective transition to independent living.

64. Simon Community

Social integration programmes for homeless.

Measure for Severely Disadvantaged Youth

65. Athlone Youth Enterprise Workshop

Supervised placement and training leading to full-time employment.

66. Comharchumann Oileán Thoraí

Craft, tourism and fishing training programme.

67. First Step

Establishment of enterprises in a disadvantaged area.

68. Kerry Diocesan Youth Service

Development of innovative ways which would incorporate new technology and arts training.

69. Limerick Youth Service

To provide experiential and self development opportunities for severely disadvantaged youth.

70. Louth Youth Federation

Establishment of a co-operative which young people will acquire the skills to manage.

71. St. Joseph's Adolescent Unit

Comprehensive vocational assessment, training preparation and support service.

72. St. Vincent's Trust

Training support services supplementary to those in conventional programmes.

Measure for Developing Supports and Interventions for the Long-Term Unemployed

73. Anna Liffey Drug Project

Identification and development of an effective and ongoing response to the needs of people with a history of drug use.

74. Athlone Community Services Council

Develop and implement education and pre-training type courses.

75. Barnardo's

Accredited child care training course for young traveller women.

76. Centre for Adult and Community Education

To improve skills and qualifications of those currently work- ing in Centres for the Unemployed.

77. FÁS

To improve skills and qualifications of those in initial contact with LTU.

78. Ferns Diocesan Youth Service

Training for employment and the establishment of an outreach advice and guidance service.

79. Fire Station Artists' Studios Ltd.

Identifying and retraining LTU with craft skills.

80. Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed

Skills training for those working with the unemployed.

81. National Youth Federation and Energy Action Ltd.

Training in the skills required to install low cost energy conservation materials.

82. Oideas Gael

Revitalisation of traditional weaving skills.

83. PAUL Partnership Limerick

Integration of lone parents into the labour market.

84. Rural Resettlement Ireland Ltd.

Resettlement of unemployed urban families in rural areas.

Measure to Enhance the Impact of New Development Infrastructures

85. Combat Poverty Agency

To strengthen and enhance the capacity of Community Development Resource Centres.

86. Community Action Network

In-service training for voluntary workers in community development.

87. CAFE-Combat Poverty Agency

To implement an integrated community arts pilot programme to raise and address issues of disadvantage and poverty.

88. Dublin Literacy Scheme

To provide education and pre-training for people with basic literacy skills.

89. Dublin Travellers Education and Development Group

To develop the skills of people working with Travellers.

90. Tralee Horizon Partnership

To enhance the social and economic status of Travellers.

NOW Projects

Project Promoter


1. Cork regional technical college

New Technology

2. ESB

New Technology

3. Dublin Technology Partnership

New Technology

4. College of Technology

New Technology

5. Tallaght Programme for Econ- omic and Social Progress Partnership


6. Muintearas


7. Waterford Childcare Ltd.


8. EC Childcare Network-UCD


9. Wallaroo


10. Aontas

Advisory and Guidance

11. Dublin Committee for Travelling People

Advisory and Guidance

12. FÁS

Advisory and Guidance

13. ICTU

Advisory and Guidance

14. County Offaly vocational edu- cation committee

Advisory and Guidance

15. Resource Centre for the Unem- ployed

Advisory and Guidance

16. An Post

Upgrading of Skills

17. Women in Contract Cleaning

Upgrading of Skills

18. National Youth Council

Upgrading of Skills


Upgrading of Skills

20. Lourdes Youth and Community Services Ltd.


21. Tallaght NOW Women's Group


22. Shannon Aerospace Ltd.


23. Department of Justice


24. Women's Initiative NOW


25. CERT

Enterprise Development

26. Údarás na Gaeltachta

Enterprise Development

27. Parents Alone Resource Centre

Enterprise Development

28. Shannon Development

Enterprise Development

29. Lei-First Step

Enterprise Development

30. An tInneall Glas

Rural Development

31. Teagasc

Rural Development

32. Teagasc

Rural Development

33. UCG

Rural Development
