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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 26 Jan 1994

Vol. 437 No. 6

Written Answers. - Seed Capital Scheme.

Ivan Yates


200 Mr. Yates asked the Minister for Finance the number of people who have availed of the new enterprise seed capital scheme to date as set out in the provisions of the Finance Act, 1993.

I have been advised by the Revenue Commissioners that refunds under the seed capital scheme have already been issued to eight individuals in respect of investments in five separate companies. Applications in relation to a further three companies, involving investments by four individuals, which have been certified by an industrial agency or Bord Fáilte have been received by the Revenue Commissioners and are currently being processed.

To date 19 companies have been certified by the industrial agencies or Bord Fáilte. To date over 30 applications have been received by the industrial agencies and Bord Fáilte.
