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Dáil Éireann debate -
Wednesday, 2 Feb 1994

Vol. 438 No. 2

Written Answers. - Grant Payments.

Michael Creed


85 Mr. Creed asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if he received an application for an additional suckler cow quota from a person (details supplied) in County Cork; and if he will have arrangements made to issue the quota.

I will be inviting herd owners to make a formal application for additional suckler cow quota in two to three weeks time. I have arranged to have an application form issued to the person named and, if he is eligible within the criteria, an allocation of additional quota will be made to him.

Enda Kenny


86 Mr. E. Kenny asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when cattle headage payment will be made to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo.

The application of the person named for grants under the 1993 cattle and equine headage scheme is being processed at present and if found in order payment will be made in the near future.

Enda Kenny


87 Mr. E. Kenny asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if any compensation can be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Mayo.

As the Deputy may be aware, I have no function in cases of the kind to which he refers. There are, therefore, no funds available to my Department to provide compensation in such cases.

John Ellis


88 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if he will pay headage grants due to a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim.

The person named was paid an advance of her cattle headage grant on 20 December 1993. Her application is being processed further at present and if found in order, the balance will be paid in the near future.

John Ellis


89 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if he will pay sheep headage to a person (details supplied) in County Leitrim.

Payment of the 1993 sheep headage grant will be made to the person named shortly.

John Ellis


90 Mr. Ellis asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if he will pay a 1992 suckler cow premium and sheep premium for 1992 and 1993 to a person (details supplied) in County Cavan; and the reason for the delay in the payments being made.

Under the 1992 and 1993 ewe premium schemes applicants were required to keep on the holdings as described on their application forms the number of ewes on which they applied for premium for the 100 day retention period. As the person named did not meet this requirement in 1992 and 1993 he was not entitled to payment of premium for those years. An advance of the 1992 ewe premium paid to him is being recovered from the 1992 suckler cow premium and the balance due under the suckler scheme will be paid shortly. The delay in processing the 1992 suckler cow application was due to it being incorrectly associated with the 1992 cattle headage application which is still under query pending a reply to letters that were sent to the applicant.

Éamon Ó Cuív


91 D'fhiafraigh Éamon Ó Cuív den Aire Talmhaíochta, Bia agus Foraoiseachta cén uair a íocfar deontais beithígh le duine (sonraí tugtha).

Íocfar 60 faoin gcéad de phréamh ar bó diúil 1993 go gairid don duine atá luaite san cheist seo. Ní fuarthas iarratas ar phréamh mhairteola speisialta uaidh i 1993 agus mar sin níl aon íocaíocht le teacht chuige faoin scéim sin anois. Ní raibh se intofa le foirdheontais beithígh a fhail i 1992 agus 1993 mar ní raibh 7.5 acra talaimh aige.

Jimmy Deenihan


92 Mr. Deenihan asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry if a person (details supplied) in County Kerry will be granted a sheep quota from the national reserve.

Because the person named applied for the ewe premium scheme for the first time in 1993 he will be eligible for quota from the national reserve only if

—he is under 35 years of age,

—his total household income is less than £14,822 per annum,

—at least 50 per cent of his total income is derived from farming, and

—he has the following educational qualifications

(i) if born after 1 January 1968, must have (a) obtained the Teagasc Certificate in farming or a higher qualification or (b) have 3 years practical experience in farming and have satisfactorily completed a course of training in farming of a minimum duration of 150 hours, or

(ii) if born before 1 January 1968, meet the requirements outlined in (i) or have 5 years practical experience in farming.

As the person named has not supplied any of the above details on his application to the reserve it has not been possible to make a decision on his eligibility. In order to allow a decision to be made the person named has now been asked to submit further information.

Michael Noonan


93 Mr. Noonan (Limerick East) asked the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Forestry when an installation grant will be paid to a person (details supplied) in County Limerick.

This application cannot be further processed by Teagasc until Deeds of Transfer duly stamped by the Revenue Commissioners are furnished by the applicant in respect of all lands.
