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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 8 Mar 1994

Vol. 440 No. 1

Written Answers. - Means Testing Procedure.

John Connor


28 Mr. Connor asked the Minister for Social Welfare his views on whether the continued practice of using notional figures to cost value sales of livestock and crops, in the means test assessment of small farmers in their applications for unemployment assistance, non-contributory old age pension and other means tested benefits complies with the legislation that established factual or actual assessment means to determine entitlement to these social welfare payments.

The procedure followed in the assessment of means of farmers applying for means tested social welfare payments is to take details of previous year income as a reference or starting point and to update this in the light of the current and expected position over the year ahead. Where the outcome is likely to be different an adjustment will be made to reflect this.

It is open to any smallholder to apply for a review of the means assessed against them if at any point their circumstances have changed. If still dissatisfied with an assessment, it is open to a claimant to appeal to the independent Social Welfare Appeals Office.

Methods of assessment are kept under review by my Department. The method of assessment used in smallholder cases has the flexibility to respond to variations in the circumstances of claimants. I will keep its operation under review.
