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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Mar 1994

Vol. 440 No. 4

Written Answers. - Telecom Éireann New Tariff Regime.

Frances Fitzgerald


324 Ms F. Fitzgerald asked the Minister for Transport, Energy and Communications arising from Telecom Éireann's stated loss in the first few weeks following the introduction of the new tariff regime on 1 September 1993, the changes, if any, in this position in the intervening period.

As I have stated previously in response to a related question, this question suggests a degree of involvement in the day to day affairs of a commercial State body which goes beyond that allowed under Section 33 (3) of the Postal and Telecommunications Act, 1983.

I can refer the Deputy to a recent public statement by the Chief Executive of Telecom Éireann, in which it was indicated that telephone traffic has recovered strongly in recent months and that, overall, the new prices are proving very successful for both Telecom Éireann and its customers who have responded by making more calls than ever, particularly to international destinations.
A related press statement by Telecom Éireann has been placed in the Library of the House.