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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Mar 1994

Vol. 440 No. 4

Written Answers. - Cork Hip Replacement Initiative.

Ned O'Keeffe


345 Mr. E. O'Keeffe asked the Minister for Health the number of hip replacement operations carried out in Belfast, County Antrim, under the Cork hip replacement initiative which commenced in November 1993, and is continuing to date; if there has been a reluctance on the part of patients and their families to travel to Belfast; and the medical complications, if any, which have arisen following these operations.

To date a total of 110 patients have been referred by the Southern Health Board to the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast for hip replacement surgery. I understand from the Southern Health Board that, for a variety of reasons, a number of patients were unable to avail of the service offered in Belfast. The board is satisfied that the quality of care and treatment available at the Royal Victoria Hospital is of the highest standard.
