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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Mar 1994

Vol. 440 No. 4

Written Answers. - Ashbourne (Meath) School.

Mary Wallace


354 Miss M. Wallace asked the Minister for Education if she will consult with the Minister for the Environment as required by section 84 (1) B of the Local Government Planning and Development Act, 1963, with regard to the requirement by Meath County Council under condition 5 of section 84 planning reference number P91/0647 regarding Ashbourne Community School.

John Bruton


359 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Education the reason a chain-link fence was erected between the new school in Ashbourne, County Meath and Deerpark Estate, without agreement under section 84 of the Planning Acts with the local authority concerned who had requested the erection of a two metre high block wall, capped and plastered; if this matter will be referred to the Minister for the Environment; and if she will make a statement on the matter.

I propose to take Questions Nos. 354 and 359 together.

As required by Section 84 of the Local Government (Planning and Development) Act 1963 my Department consulted with Meath County Council regarding the plans for Ashbourne community school, a State development for which planning permission under Section 24 of the Act was not required.

The council's views have been carefully considered and most of their requirements have been met. However, the request that a concrete wall be built on a section of the boundary was regarded as unreasonable and is unacceptable to the Department which considers that a chain-link fence together with fast growing trees and shrubs will provide a satisfactory boundary.

My Department is still in communication with Meath County Council concerning this matter as it is considered, having consulted the Chief State Solicitor, that the issue is not appropriate for referral to the Minister for the Environment.
