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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 22 Mar 1994

Vol. 440 No. 4

Written Answers. - Monitors for South Africa.

Gay Mitchell


89 Mr. G. Mitchell asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs the criteria in the selection of monitors for South Africa recruited by APSO; the places in which the positions are advertised; the cost, if any to the Irish taxpayer; and if he will make a statement on the matter.

The European Council of Ministers decided on 6 December that the European Union would send a European Union observer mission to South Africa to observe the elections there on 27 April. Each EU member state as well as the European Commission was asked to supply 24 observers to the joint mission. Ireland is doing so.

The Irish team of observers comprises 11 members of the Oireachtas, the chairman of the Irish anti-apartheid movement, eight individuals recommend by APSO and four selected from central and local Government. My Department is providing £200,000 to cover the total estimated expenditure involved.

My Department invited APSO to nominate eight individuals from its register. As one of its central functions, APSO maintains a register of people interested in and available for overseas work. It is open to interested individuals to apply to APSO to include their names and curriculum vitae on APSO's register.

Amongst the criteria used in selecting individuals to serve as observers were: familiarity with the political situation in Southern Africa; election experience; availability at short notice; willingness to work in the conditions prevailing in South Africa and, where possible, previous work experience in a developing country.

In addition to choosing people for Ireland's contribution to the European Union Observer Mission, APSO has also recruited 55 monitors for the South African elections at the request of AWEPA, the Association of European Parliamentarians for (Southern) Africa.
The total cost to the taxpayer of the observers nominated by APSO to both of these missions can be estimated as approximately £175,000, £100,000 of this will come from APSO's annual grant in aid and the remainder will come from the £200,000 allocated by my Department for the monitoring of the South African process.