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Dáil Éireann debate -
Tuesday, 11 Oct 1994

Vol. 445 No. 6

Written Answers. - Technical Assistance.

John Bruton


348 Mr. J. Bruton asked the Minister for Tourism and Trade the detailed terms and conditions under which his Department received technical assistance amounting to £495,000; if he will give details of each project for which it was used; if a copy of the study or studies carried out was supplied to the European Commission; if a copy is available for inspection by members of the public; and, if not, the reason therefor. [149/94]

The technical assistance measure of the Operational Programme for Tourism, 1989 to 1993 provided funding for research, monitoring and evaluation purposes in order to assist in the effective implementation of the programme.

The following projects were assisted under the programme:

—Consumer Research and Visitor Attractions, (1992)

—Tourism Development Planning, (1992)

—Survey into Users of Paid Accommodation, (1991)

—Product User Survey, (Periodically)

—Survey of International Travellers, (Annual)

—Review of Marketing Expenditure under the Operational Programme for Tourism, 1989-1993 (1993)

—Burren Tourism Development Strategy

—Report on the Marketing Measure of the Programme

—Miscellaneous Expenses arising from Monitoring Committee Meetings

All of these studies are available with the exception of the Burren Study which will be finalised shortly. The first five listed are available from Bord Fáilte and the sixth from my Department. I am unable to confirm that copies of all these studies were circulated to the European Commission, but the Commission would have received the benefit of this research as part of the overall monitoring and evaluation of the 1989-1993 programme or in the submissions made to the Commission on the new Tourism Programme.
